The Train Collection includes 130 pages of fun for your iPhone whether youre on the train looking for some entertainment or waiting for a meeting and have some free time to spare.
All of these mini stories, facts, and games can be checked out quickly whenever you have the time to wander off a bit, just open up the Train Collection and enjoy!
The Collection includes sections full of:
* Interesting facts - Did you know that a bumblebee flies faster than a housefly? Learn this and many more things with a good collection of interesting facts
* Famous Quotes - Looking for an interesting quip to throw out at the next party? Try a famous quote, motivational quotes included to help you get the courage to toss out a famous one!
* Inspirational Stories - Definitely moving, touching, and a great read!
* Comical Stories - Whats life without a few funny laughs? Get them with the following tales!
* Mazes - Weve included a few mazes you can follow with your eyes to pass away the time.
* Guess that Clue! Picture Game - Weve cut out small clues from images and youll have to guess where that clue came from.
Plus BONUS mini sections including:
* Odds of Things Occurring - Ever wonder whats your odds of dating a millionaire vs getting attacked by a dog?
* Myths - A few myths you may or may not have known about.
* IM Acronyms - 10 Acronyms that totally are For The Win.
* Children Jokes - Knock Knock and Whos there? and other jokes children would enjoy.
* One Liner Jokes - A few light and yet entertaining jokes.
* One Liner Pickup lines - A few pickup lines to give a try the next time youre looking for fun.